Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The final round and a HUGE surprise...

Seth went back to the hospital on Tuesday, November 10th for his final round of Chemo. We are all very anxious for this final month. Needless to say we have anticipated the completion of this phase and are very ready to let this little guy get back to being a normal 2 year old.

So the surprise in this final round is that Sethman will get to go home tomorrow for a 5 day 'home visit' and then return for 2 days of Chemo and count recovery. This is so exciting just due to the fact that he has more room to roam at home and mom and dad get to sleep and function on a more "normal" basis. Of course, all of this can change and I will keep this final month up to date more regularly as we will find out what the next weeks, months and years have in store for our little Sethman!

Keep the prayers coming! GO FIGHT WIN Sethman! We love you!