Sunday, January 24, 2010


Seth is home.....He actually gets to have a small break and be home for a couple of days. His counts were coming up and he was really "healthy" so they let him go home for a couple of days before the next round of Super Chemo. What a great surprise this is!

This next round will begin Tuesday (unless it changed and I don't know :) and will mimic the first in intensity. When he returns to the hospital they will check the blood and bone marrow to see if remission has been achieved. Keep the prayers coming! I know they are helping!


  1. Yay!! Keep it up SethMan! What a tough little guy!

  2. I talked to Darin today and he said that his counts are 0 and that it would be next week before round 2.


  3. Our love and prayers for all of you..
    Love Uncle Bill and Aunt Creo
