Saturday, February 27, 2010

CT Scan.....

I honestly don't really know how to update this information as it really isn't conclusive. I'll give it a try; bear with me.

Due to Seth having difficulty breathing, and not hearing anything in his lungs, it was decided he would go for a CT Scan. What was "discovered" is something on the scan that makes them concerned enough consider doing a biopsy. There is a thought that it may be a fungus; is slight and at this very moment and the risks vs. benefits of biopsy have led the Docs to hold off on a biopsy. This has changed several times through the night and may change today.....

A fungus, given his current health status would be terribly difficult to handle. They would surgically remove it. So, right now they are watching him closely and monitoring his vitals. If there is a change or if I can figure out exactly what is going on...I will update this status.

Please remember Sethman in your prayers as well as Darin, Shannon, Corbin and Jenna, times like these are emotional and hard and we know prayer can help give them comfort and strength.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Update 2/24/2010

I haven't updated for a while...mostly because I haven't had much to to day life doesn't change much for little Seth, but there have been some issues as of late.

Seth received the Broviac on 2/9/2010 (I hope that's right :) . He went through his massive doses of Chemo and all was going fairly OK. Then, he got and infection. Turns out he got a Strep infection in his blood....YUCKY~! He also has been receiving a lot of blood. Never fun!

Today I am told he is doing better...That's good news! Everyone is hanging in there; Grandparents spend time there every week as wells as a couple uncles. I know all the help is greatly appreciated!

We are planning an early spring Yard Sale as a Benefit for Seth. I don't have dates, but as you start your spring cleaning keep in mind we are gathering "Stuff" for the sale. The more we have the more we can sell :) Furniture seems to be good, movies, books etc. Keep it in mind and let us know if you have things you would like to donate and we will make arrangements to get them!

Thanks for all your prayers, we appreciate all the support!

Friday, February 5, 2010

This is from Darin: SETH

Darin sent this email....this is all he knows right now. I have asked questions but the fact is right now there just aren't many answers so please read below and wait and pray with the rest of us....I will update with new information ASAP. Thanks

so here is what I know:

when Seth relapsed at Christmas his bone marrow contained about 7% "blasts" (the start of leukemic cells). after one new round of chemo he has 40% leukemic cells in his bone marrow. This is bad. the fact that it is going up is bad the fact that is went up during and after chemo is bad.

what now?

he will get 3 types of chemo this time (I don't know what they are). This will be heavier than any before. they said it will be even harder for his blood cells to recover. There is no time line right now they haven't said if it will be one more round or 10 more rounds. They don't know when they will do a bone marrow transplant.

Going back....

Today Seth is returning to the hospital today. He has a bone marrow aspirate and lumbar puncture on Wednesday to get results of the last round of Chemo. To refresh; the last round of Chemo was to be very intensified from what he was getting previously. This is normal protocol for relapsed AML. We expected his % of Leukemic cells to go down and hopefully achieve remission through this round. Unfortunately, it didn't go quite as well as we had hoped and his Leukemic cell count is 40%. Said bluntly, it didn't work like we expected. Seth is such a tough kid and is so strong and such a fighter, he is doing really well from watching him. He did not get an major infections and had no real bouts of vomiting.

So, now what? He will be hit even harder with Chemo this time around. Not necessarily the most comforting thought, but it is what is next to be done. Hopefully it will be strong enough to attack the Leukemia and get him into remission in order to proceed with the Bone Marrow Transplant.

We have greatly appreciated all the support we have received. We are planning some fundraisers in the very near future as there are continuing medical and other expenses mounting. We will post information about them as they get closer. You may also make donations to Seth on this blog through PayPal. Please continue to pray for him and his family....they are in need of the strength and the comfort prayer brings at this time! We love you all!