Monday, August 10, 2009

Seth Goes Home!

YAHOO!! Seth got to go home today! We are so excited for the break for this little guy and the family to get home time! He is still on some medication but for the most part he is doing good.

Darin would like to thank all those who participated in the Motorcycle ride and fundraiser this past Saturday. It was a huge success and we are deeply grateful for the love and support from people we have never met! Your awesome and may you be blessed for your generosity.....

In addition to the ride, we would like to thank the AMAZING Doctor's and Nurse's at Primary Children's Hospital. You are blessings sent from above. Your devotion to Seth has been so comforting and appreciated. We know we have a long road ahead of us, but we feel confident you will get us through! Thank you a million times over!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you that your little Seth was able to come home.....
    He really sounds like a fighter....
    Our love to you all....
    Love Aunt Creo and Uncle Bill
