Tuesday, June 30, 2009

CT Scan results

The results are in....the head scan was clear, nothing showing any concern. The chest one did show an infection in the lungs. This they believe is a fungal infection which causes them concern because they are harder to treat. But they are treating it and believe they can get it under control.

This is good news, relatively speaking. Keep praying for Seth, lets get this infection cleared up, Seth eating and taking meds so they can all have a break from the hospital! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. We are glad to hear that things are looking up. This is Stacie Blake. I am in the ward, and I wondered if there was anything that we could do to help? Could we get some volunteers to come up and be with Seth while you take a break? If so, what days and times are best? Please call or email me because we would LOVE to help. 801-592-4424 or blake.stacie@gmail.com We are all praying for your family!
