Well, at the end of the week, we can say it has been a good week for Seth. He is doing well and doing what they (the medical people) expect him to be doing. We are anticipating we will find out more information this week on how his body is responding to this round of Chemo. Today his red blood count is down a little. This is not great, but not unexpected. They will continue to watch this. He has lots of toys to play with and lots of movies...although I think he has only been watching Ice Age when I have been there :)!
We had a family reunion tonight for the Bollschweiler's and there were many concerned family members who were able to convey their love and support to us, to pass along to Darin, Shannon and Seth. It is wonderful to have such amazing support all around at this time and we appreciate it all!
What a blessing to live in a time when there is help for our sick children. (Sandra Whitney, from now on to sign as SKW)