Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last entry for 2009.....

So many things are running through my mind tonight as I make one final entry for 2009. When I think back to the beginning of this blog it was to keep everyone in our family informed of Seth's progress. Well, as those of you who aren't family know, more have followed Seth's journey on this blog than just family. We are grateful for you! Your prayers are being felt and your support has helped ease our burdens. As we plunge into 2010 and make goals for the new year, I hope that we all have somewhere in that list to add a little something extra. As I spent last night at the hospital I realized there are so many patients in hospitals like this one all over. I also realized there are families, just like ours, with a child, grandson, cousin, nephew, or friend in these hospitals. So I thought it would be great if we all tried to lighten the burden for one family in this situation. You decide how, maybe it volunteering as a "baby-sitter" at the children's hospital by your home. (yes, they really have a program for this) which gives a mom or dad a much needed break when they need someone to be with their child 24/7. You could make a donation in someones name to help fight cancer! You can join the Riders Against Cancer organization and help get it up and running. You choose, but it would be great to get feedback on what you do!

As for Seth....he is receiving heavy duty Chemo for 5 days as wells as injections into his spine 2 times per week. This is undoubtedly going to make him a very sick little guy, but from what everyone has said, this is the best next step. He is so strong and knows nothing but to fight so we will do whatever we have to in order to encourage him to keep fighting. He will go 21 days from the end of Chemo and then start again. Of course, this is all subject to change, but I will give you the information as I get it.

Thanks for all your prayers! WE love you all!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Seth's progress 12/30/2009

At midnight last night Seth was to start Chemo. Shannon told us to expect him to be pretty sick through time as he is going to get very heavy doses and several types of Chemo. He is going to be able to leave his room as long as he has a count and as long as he isn't hooked up on Chemo. Once his count is down, he won't be able to leave his room. And from what it sounds like he won't want too! Just a reminder, this round he is going through is to achieve remission...then on to the bone marrow transplant. The sooner we get there, the better, so your prayers for a speedy remission are greatly appreciated.

Also, there will be information posted here for a Spaghetti dinner on January 18th to raise money for an organization called Riders Against Cancer. This is a group that helped raise money for Seth in the fall. Darin and Nick (my brothers, seths dad and uncle) are heading up with a gentleman named Brent to get this organization "legalized" and recognized as a charity group. This organization will help families dealing with Cancer. Whether they need help with bills, living expenses, etc. The organization wants to have money to help them. This dinner will be to raise the money necessary to pay the attorney fees to get the organization set up. Also to continue to raise money for Seth. It will be held at Noah's in Sandy and the suggested donation will be $10 per person, $35 for family of 5, $2 raffle tickets and any other donations you feel inclined to help with. I will get more information or you can visit the group page on Facebook: Riders Against Cancer.

We are still looking for fundraising opportunities if you have any ideas or would like to help, please let us know! Remember to keep praying for Seth, Darin, Shannon and kids! We love you all!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Update 12/28/2009

I just returned from visiting with Seth and Darin in the hospital tonight. It was great fun to play with Seth who is acting as though he feels fine. he is such a cute kid and he makes me happy! Darin was there and Shannon was home getting stuff together for another long stay at the hospital. Here's the scoop.....The Doctors have decided to throw everything they have at this Cancer. meaning strong Chemo with some that is part of a new trial. They will do injections in his spine as well. In order for Seth to receive the Bone Marrow Transplant, which he now needs, he will have to achieve remission. That is the sole goal for the next 2 months. It is likely he won't leave the hospital for at least 6 weeks, mostly likely 8.

I am so emotional as I write this and as I am trying to give you the facts I guess I feel like I am at liberty to interject some of my own feelings...since I am the blog author :) First, I ask for your prayers. I believe there is hope, always. I believe we can NEVER give up hope. I know that prayers are heard and answered. We have seen the power of prayer over the past months and frankly I expect nothing less than answered prayers as we continue. No doubt this has knocked us off our feet. But we must have hope. Second, I ask for you to keep your positive comments coming. Sometimes it seems as if there is nothing we can say, but I know your positive, loving, faith promoting comments help bolster in the darker moments, so PLEASE send your messages of love and support to Darin, Shannon, Seth, Corbin and Jenna. I promise, they read this blog and the comments! Third, I ask for you to help brainstorm with us for fund-raising opportunities; including being willing to help organize, host and donate. This is a very financially taxing challenge and we are committed to help them get through it with as little financial stress as possible. I know that many of you have some incredible creativity in making things, getting donations and just giving super please let them flow, we are ready!

We love you all so much. This has been so amazing to see how wonderful people have pulled together for please, keep praying and pulling...

Praying for SethMan

Seth was re-admitted to the hospital last night (12/27/2009) for a bacterial infection which we were told was "normal" for kids in Seth's situation. However, what Darin was trying to keep private through the Christmas festivities was that Seth Spinal fluid showed a white count of 87. This is not good and although we thought it could be from the infection, we found out this morning it isn't. The cancer is back. At this point I now few details, but I will be posting today as I get them. From what Darin has been told at this point, Seth will go the Bone Marrow Transplant Registry and that is the next step....what leads up to the actual transplant I don't know as of yet. Darin is heading to the hospital to be with Seth and Shannon and to gather more information. I will update when I know something. We appreciate your prayers on his behalf.

Also, we are accepting donations either through Paypal or to a family member in Seth's name as there are several huge expenses that have arisen the past few weeks and with this news of Seth going back to the hospital it will become more difficult to meet them. We know you have all be so generous and hope you know how very much we appreciate your love and support!

If you want to know when there is an update to this blog, become a follower or email me your email address and an alert will go out when there is an update. (

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The final round and a HUGE surprise...

Seth went back to the hospital on Tuesday, November 10th for his final round of Chemo. We are all very anxious for this final month. Needless to say we have anticipated the completion of this phase and are very ready to let this little guy get back to being a normal 2 year old.

So the surprise in this final round is that Sethman will get to go home tomorrow for a 5 day 'home visit' and then return for 2 days of Chemo and count recovery. This is so exciting just due to the fact that he has more room to roam at home and mom and dad get to sleep and function on a more "normal" basis. Of course, all of this can change and I will keep this final month up to date more regularly as we will find out what the next weeks, months and years have in store for our little Sethman!

Keep the prayers coming! GO FIGHT WIN Sethman! We love you!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Root beer float and going Home!

Seriously...does life get any better than this? A root beer float and he is going home today!!!! Seth's ANC was up yesterday and back down today, but they are letting him escape. This has been one long haul this month! It has taken a long time for him to get that ANC up and its a slow go. He will be very restricted in what he can do however, so hopefully he can enjoy his break and just be happy to not be trapped in that little Room. Hopefully mom and dad will enjoy the break as well!

We have one more round to go and then he will be home! I will have more information on where we go from there later, but we are in great anticipation for this to be over! Seth has done awesome and the prayers and support have been amazing! We love you all!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Still in Count Recovery...waiting!

Seth is STILL in count recovery. He is taking a little longer this time to get his counts up. This was explained as basically his bone marrow getting overloaded from all the Chemo. So, we are hoping to see him go home next week sometime. Looks like he will be home for Halloween, but not really out and about much! Oh long as he gets candy :)

Otherwise, Seth is doing really really well. He is happy and pleasant right now which makes it easier on those who are there to sit with him. He is getting a good amount of one on one play time!

Keep praying for him we have another month coming up of hopefully the final round of Chemo....Thanks for your prayers! We love you all!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fresh out of the bath and in Count recovery!

Seth is officially in Count recovery. He has been for a week; sorry Darin, I was slacking in my updating. He was able to be outside his room quite a bit for the first few days, but once the counts go to 0, he's a prisoner of War and can't leave his room! I don't know who this is harder on, him or Darin :) Also, he is now down to one more treatment of Chemo. What I am trying to find out is what's next. Seth has spent time with his mom and dad of course, but also Grandma Bollschweiler, Grandma Bennion who has come from Boise once a month to help, and uncle Dave have been able to help at the hospital. These breaks are so valuable and appreciated. We are so grateful for your support and know we couldn't have done this without the prayers of so many wonderful people! We love you all!

btw: this picture looks like Corbin to me...what do you think?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hangin' Tough....

Seth is hangin' tough! I was able to go and see him today and he was asleep the whole time I was there. He does look pretty tired (yes, even when he was asleep he looked tired) and thin, but he is doing a little better today than yesterday. The problem is right now that his body hurts.....really hurts. Lifting up his legs to change his diaper causes him significant pain. So they are keeping him on some meds to manage his pain. Therefore, he is asleep a lot. Poor little guy, please pray for him and that his pain can subside. This is rough on those watching him everyday to see him hurting.

Also, the test result from the bone marrow biopsy and lumbar puncture were clear! That is great news! He is into Chemo right now and if he feels good enough he can leave his room. Although he hasn't really wanted to get out of bed due to the pain!

Well, that's about it for today! Thanks for your prayers! We love you all!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A special Request

OK, so Darin may want to kill me, but he can't right now, he's sick! This is devastating right now as Seth really needs to be around healthy people. And to add insult to injury, Seth is not doing well right now. Whether he is in pain (which is what the doctors think) or just plain sick and tired of it all, we don't really know, but he is terribly cranky right now. I am hoping you will all add Darin to your prayers for a very very speedy recovery so that he can get back to Seth and that Seth will have relief from the pain he is in whether physical or mental!

We love you Darin and Seth! You'll both make it through this!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Another Round of Chemo

Another Round Begins......hopefully the second to last one! Seth is on his way for another round of Chemo. Poor little guy did not get a very big break, even though he was "home" for the longest time this time. He had to go back on Thursday for ANOTHER surgery! I know I couldn't believe it either. His had to have the Brovial replaced AGAIN! (yes that was yelling :) There was a leak in the new one they put in on Tuesday, so he had to undergo another painful surgery last week to replace it. Seems to be doing OK now and we hope and pray this round goes smoothly and quickly!

GOOD LUCK SEHTMAN! We are all praying for you! And good luck mom and dad and brother and sister! You are almost done!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Seth had surgery yesterday. He had his Broviac replaced as it had been causing some problems and there was one line not working properly, or at all. This was apparently a painful procedure and they expected him to be in a lot of pain afterward. According to Darin, he is! He also had his bone marrow aspirate and his lumbar puncture done. Both of these are part of the normal routine and we should have results in the next few days.

As of right now Seth is planning to go back in the hospital on Monday for the next round of Chemo. I hope and pray he is able to enjoy some time at home for him mommy's birthday on Friday and get some good play time in with brother and sister! Good luck little buddy! We love you!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Home again

Seth went home last Thursday....I didn't update then because by the time I was ready too he was in the ER. His line into the Broviac broke and we were not sure if he was going to have have surgery or if they could repair it. They were able to repair it, so he is home and everyone in enjoying some much needed time off. I think the physical stress of the long stays at the hospital are starting to take hold. Darin has much enjoyed sleeping and especially in a bed more his size. The "chair" he sleeps on is not even as big as a twin bed! Seth is doing really well and responding to the treatments. He is getting frustrated as he isn't so excited to be locked in a room all the time; however we are hoping and praying there are only two more rounds to go.

A HUGE thank you to the staff at PCH! You are all amazing, words don't come close to expressing our gratitude. Also, all of you who have made Seth and his family a part of your prayers, we couldn't do it with out you all. Please keep praying for our little guy, he is strong and being watched over!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Update for this round

Hi everyone....

I haven't updated due to the fact that there has been no news...(that's good right!~) Although I don't want everyone the cringe when they see an update. I am sure there's a balance and hopefully I can find it! :)

Seth is currently fighting a strep infection. This is expected. They are right on top of it and he seems to be responding to the treatments. He received blood and platlets yesterday and I think this helps his over-all feeling better. SethMan is giving mom and dad a run for their money lately and it has taken a toll on them. Poor little guy is cranky....who blames him right, he's 2 and he's stuck in a room all the time. Please keep him in your prayers and his parents, this is a critical time and hopefully he is getting down to the wire! We are expecting to only have 2 months left! Prayers are so wonderful and we thank you so much!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Rough tough kid.

He fell and bumped his head when his platelets were really low.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Officially in Count Recovery; Round 3

Today Seth is officially in count recovery, day 3. His counts are dropping (that's good right now) and we are hoping like heck he doesn't get sick so he can spend some time at home before round 4. Praying he stays infection free!

For all those who helped in anyway with the yard Sales over the past two weeks, we would like to thank you! We collected SO much stuff we were able to sell and raised money to help Seth and his family through this tough time. We are again so grateful for all you do for Seth, keep the prayers coming and stay tuned for the next fundraising event.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Multi-Family Charity Garage Sale

Multi-Family Charity Garage Sale
Saturday, August 29
7 AM - 1 PM
1236 West Pitchfork Road, Murray

We have a lot of baby and children clothing items; women and men clothing items; shoes; scrapbook items; baby toys; children's toys; home decor items; books; CDs; DVDs; holiday ornaments and decorations; skis; stereo speakers; and many, many other items all at great prices!

Please come and help support Seth and his family! We love you all!

Seth Returns to PCH for round 3....but there is GREAT news

Seth returned to the hospital today to begin round 3 of the Chemo. This round will consist of 5 days of chemo, type A and E...whatever that means :) They are tough doses and they expect his eyes will take the brunt of this round, meaning they will be ever vigilant with eye drops and expect to see some red eyes.

So, I promised test results as soon as I got them....

CT Scan: Clear!!!!!! This means all the masses they found in the beginning have shrunk/disappeared. They still see residual in the jaw bone area, but this is as they expected and say you may see that in scans in the future.

Bone marrow aspirate and Lumbar puncture: What they were hoping for in these tests is to see a 5% or less concentration of the Cancer/leukemic cells, down from the 15% the month previous. I am humble and grateful to report ZERO!!! Beyond what was expected. Truly our prayers are being answered and that is GREAT news.

Having said all of this, they will continue with SethMan's road map and continue the remaining courses of Chemo. Tests will continue to be run and progress checked. We are not out of the woods, but what a fighter SethMan is and what a privilege it is to know him!

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We are still accepting donations to help with the mounting expenses. We are grateful for all that have donated and helped in anyway, we wouldn't have made it this far alone! God Bless You!

PS: I am hoping for a picture soon....hint hint!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Seth had Surgery today....

Today Seth went into the hospital for 3 major events today: A lumbar puncture; to check the spinal fluid for cancer cells. Second the bone marrow aspirate / biopsy to check the concentration of cancer cells in his system after round two. Third they place the Broviac / central line; eventually to replace his pic-line. He was able to go home today and is scheduled to back Monday to start round 3. We are waiting for results still from the CT Scan, lumbar puncture, bone marrow and blood work. As these results come in, Darin promises to let me know so we can pass it along.

Please continue to remember Seth in your prayers. We feel the strength through your prayers and appreciate your love!

Benefit Garage Sale

ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!!! There is a yard sale this Saturday to Benefit SethMan....

Address: is 2942 West 12825 South Riverton, Utah
Time: 7am - 1pm

LOTS furniture, baby items, holiday stuff and LOTS and LOTS of great finds! Come check it out!

Friday, August 14, 2009

SethMan's 'home' update

Seth is doing well at home, everyone enjoying the "break" for what it is! There are some updates; Corbin and Jenna were tested for bone marrow matching a few weeks back. Neither of them are a match. This means we continue on the road of Chemo (which I believe is like 5-7 more rounds of Chemo). He is having a CAT scan today and blood work Sunday. The plan is to go in Monday for surgery to place the Broviac(I am sure I miss-spelled this, sorry); no more pic-line if he is doing well! This is like a Central line, less infection risk and can be left in place longer. His blood test results we are looking for will be for his cancer cell percentage to be under 5%.

There is a lot going on in the next few days, please pray for our SethMan, round 3 starts Tuesday! Love you all and thanks for your continued support, we could not do this alone!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Seth Goes Home!

YAHOO!! Seth got to go home today! We are so excited for the break for this little guy and the family to get home time! He is still on some medication but for the most part he is doing good.

Darin would like to thank all those who participated in the Motorcycle ride and fundraiser this past Saturday. It was a huge success and we are deeply grateful for the love and support from people we have never met! Your awesome and may you be blessed for your generosity.....

In addition to the ride, we would like to thank the AMAZING Doctor's and Nurse's at Primary Children's Hospital. You are blessings sent from above. Your devotion to Seth has been so comforting and appreciated. We know we have a long road ahead of us, but we feel confident you will get us through! Thank you a million times over!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Update - out of the PICU

Seth is in his own room again....Yippee~! He is recovering from the infection and is working on getting his ANC counts up. Seth has been put in the intermediate category for AML risk. What this basically means is that they are currently running test on siblings to see if there is a bone marrow match in either one. If yes, they proceed down that path. If no, they proceed with the rest of the chemotherapy; so long as he remains in the intermediate category. The High risk category would put him on the National Donor Registry for bone marrow and he would be definitely looking at transplant. What keeps him in the intermediate category is that after his first round of Chemotherapy his 'cancer counts' if you will went down. They need to continue going down after this round and we anticipate that they are/will.

Please pray that Seth can get his counts up and get healthy so that he can go home for a few days before round 3~ We love you all...thanks for the support!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Another night in the PICU

Tonight Seth is still in the PICU.....what an little fighter he is. I can tell you he is still fighting because every time we looked at him he growled at us. Really! He is still running a fever hovering around 104, going down some with Tylenol. Remember, his white count blood cells are at the ZERO, so he has nothing naturally fighting this infection. There is some concern tonight due to the fact that his heart rate is rather high. He did have a chest x-ray, but as of when we left there was no word on what they found. We will post when we know more. Please pray for him and that his doctors will be able to give him the proper medications to get him "better". The PICU is a VERY hard place to be and there are lots of patients and nurses. Shannon is being a trooper and staying close, but has mentioned that they would like to go back to ICS...a better environment for sure.

Also, as a side note, there is another motorcycle ride schedule for next Saturday, August 8. I will post more information as I get it. Should be a fun event for anyone who rides....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Seth is in the PICU

Very early this morning Seth spiked a fever of 104. They spent the morning trying to medicate and get it down. By about noon they had to pack him in Ice (which he doesn't really love) to get the fever to break. He has since been moved to the PICU....I don't exactly why at this point in time, Darin believes it is to keep a closer eye on him and monitor him more closely. I will let you know when I get a chance to talk to him again. Please pray for SethMan tonight....he has to get this infection (whatever it is) under control and treated....more coming later...

Just got the call....the infection is in the pic-line. Looks like they are keeping him in the PICU to make sure they can treat it aggressively.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Its been a few days, so I thought I would send an update...I don't know much, but I will share what I know and continue to update new information. Seth started receiving Chemo in his spine this week. I understand he will get this twice a week. This is to kill the cancer cells that were found in his spinal fluid. Also, Darin said that Seth is not currently on the National Bone Marrow Transplant Registry. Although, if one of Seth's siblings is a match they would proceed with down the path of transplant. I know this brings up a LOT of questions....we don't know the answers right now, but when we get more information on what they means, we will clarify.

Seth is hanging in there. He is such a trooper! Keep praying for him and his parents and his brother and sister! We love all the love and support. Also, information will be coming soon for another Motorcycle ride for Seth and a multi-family yard sale for Seth. Thanks again!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fun in the sun.....well in the shade

Yes, Seth got to go outside! This is part of the hospital...they have and area for the kids to go outside. Isn't he adorable! Seth is doing well. He has a transfusion yesterday and there are some test results rolling in. HOWEVER, I have chosen to wait for all of them to post them as I feel it will be the best way to share the results. SO, stay tuned....when I know more, you will know more! Keep praying for SethMan...he's being so brave and strong!

Monday, July 20, 2009

A great big THANK YOU; from Darin

Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for Seth! I want to take this opportunity to thank the people, clubs and companies who helped with the shooting event this past weekend.
FIRST! THANK YOU KEVIN QUAYLE for everything; all to help little Seth! Your as good of friend as anyone could hope to have!

Kevin planned this from start to finish and ran the event knowing that he was going to give up much of his time over the weekend just to do it. Again thank you!
THANK YOU Timpanogos Archers for letting us hold the Benefit shoot at you Annual Bowhunters Rendezvous, that was an awesome event! As well as donating the proceeds of your big dinner to Seth! !!!WOW!!! You club and its members hold a special place in our hearts, THANK YOU!
UBA The Utah Bowman's Association; Thank you for your donation to the dinner for Seth and your announcement for Seth and allowing me to thank everyone in attendance for there support!
Thank you to all the companies that donated prizes
Badlands Packs
Easton Archery
Utah Archery Center
Robert I. Merrill Co.
The Tulip Tree
Olympus Gourmet Roasters
To everyone that participated and donated to the shoot thank you so much and I hope you all enjoy your prizes!!!
And thank you to: Jennifer Clauson, Jennifer Allen, Dwaine Westover, Stuart Rees & Christian Quayle for your help with everything!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Shooting for Seth

What more need we say?! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! You are all so awesome. What a great day. Thanks again to Kevin and the many many more who helped support and organize this wonderful event. We are deeply grateful!

Seth is doing well right now. This round of Chemo is 8 days, so he only has a couple of more days to go with the Chemo and then into Recovery for a few weeks. We are praying for Seth's body to recover quickly from this round of Chemo so he can spend a few days at home again! Thanks everyone! We love you all!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Moving Forward

Well, round 2 of Chemo is moving forward. I have some information on the results from the bone marrow biopsy. The goal with the Chemo is to achieve remission. This does not mean the cancer is cured, it means that the chemo is working. It is a positive report. Seth has achieved remission. They continue down the road of Chemo, possibly transplants, and so on, but the chemo is working.

Seth is doing well, he is adjusting to the new room and getting settled in his routine. He was having some rather nasty attitude reactions to one to one of the medications, phenegren that was making everyone around him miserable. Thankfully they took him off that and he is back to his normal sweet self!

Grandma Tessa has been in town helping this week and Grandma Bollschweiler is back to taking two afternoons a week to help. What would we do without them!!!!! Stay tuned...when there is new information or new pictures I will update! Keep praying for SethMan!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Come to the 2009 Bowhunters Rendezvous....

I am overwhelmed tonight as I write this....there is another amazing event happening this weekend to help SethMan! Darin's friend from work, Kevin Quayle (hope its spelled right Kevin :) has been organizing fundraising efforts in conjunction with the 2009 bowhunters rendezvous. there is a link attached for anyone who would like more information for the shoot being held this weekend. Kevin has been able to gather close to $1000 in prizes and has worked hard to make this a success. If you would like to go shoot for the weekend, this is a great way to help. I was overwhelmed to read about it and feel as do Seth's mom and dad, so blessed by the outpouring of love and support! You guys are awesome.

Seth is doing pretty well right now. Just being pumped full of Chemo and trying not to be bored! He has had some good days and we are so grateful for those days! Please remember to pray for him and post your comments...Darin and Shannon read them and gain so much support from you all! We love you!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 1, round 2.....

Seth returned to PCH today. It was something I wondered how he would be with going back. Surprise to me...he was good. From what I have been told the most disturbing thing for him was not being able to go back into "his" room. Other than that, he has been pleasant and happy, waving to the nurses and eating like there's no tomorrow!

Tomorrow he is having his pic-line fixed...not sure exactly what that means, but it is a procedure that will keep him from eating from 3 am on. I hope they are fast, I have a feeling that is going to make him really mad!

I am praying that he is able to handle the Chemo as well as he did last month and that he can stay healthy! Keep him in your prayers....we truly appreciate it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today was the Ride for SethMan, and it was amazing. I was touched by the out pouring of support people have for a little guy they have never met. But that changed today because Seth was able to attend! It worked out that he was well enough (and very happy) to attend. He was so cute and LOVED the motorcycles. What touched so many of us today was the fact that there were people who couldn't attend today, but sent donations and love Seth's way. I can't say much more, I will post several pictures to give you and idea of what went on, but suffice it to say, today was a wonderful day!

Here is a list of those who participated in the ride today:

R.A.C. Riders against Cancer
Brent Tracy
Gordon Bingham
Dianna Simpson
Bill Card
Wes Wixom
Ariel Davis
PGR: Patriot Guard Riders
Teneil Ridgeway
Steve Ridgeway
Mike Awtezaw (sorry if this is wrong Mike)
Joe Owens
ESCAPE: Motor Sports Provo, UT
Shelly Ivie
Glendon Ivie

Dave Mulqueen
Mike Fleck
Benjamin Cowdell, (Pheonix, AZ)
Rover Hansen
Drew Keddington
Tyson Malstrom
Foe Escamilla
Corey Clark
Scott Warner
Kelly Warner
Austin Edwards
Demar Maughan

I know there are more....whose names we didn't get. We appreciate you greatly and if you would comment on this post and give us your name we would appreciate it!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Hey everyone, don't forget tomorrow is the big day.....the Ride for SethMan! Check it out! EVEN IF YOU CAN'T the riders at one of the stops to show your support! LOTS of motorcycles!

Updates today: All the biopsy's and blood draws and taps done today...Monday he should be admitted back into the hospital for round 2. Keep the prayers coming I can't imagine how "happy" SethMan will be to go back :(! We love you Seth!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

If you have trouble reading this, let me know, I can email you a copy!

Home sweet Home

Seth has been enjoying some time at home. According to the caretakers....he's mr. Happy go lucky! I am sure he loves being able to move about some. So, here is the schedule for this week; always subject to change of course!

Seth will go in on Friday for a bone marrow biopsy. This is to determine if he is ready for round two of Chemo. If so, he will most likely be starting the next round of Chemo on Monday. This also depends on the blood counts, Darin said they can add red blood and platelets, but not white cells!

Also, he wants everyone to know that the motorcycle ride to benefit Seth is the Saturday. Seth will be meeting the ride on Saturday, most likely in Layton. There are stops along the way....check out the flyer for times and let us know if and where you can join. Anyone is welcome to come, even if you aren't able to ride, come greet the riders, make donations and cheer them on! This is going to be fun and Uncle Nick has put a lot of work into this ride. He has some amazing support coming...should be great!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

There's no place like HOME!!!

Seth was able to go home today around mid-late afternoon! I can't believe how excited everyone was...especially mom and dad! He had a white count today of 400! I believe Shannon told me he will have some tests early next week, but I will get all the details and let you know how he is doing tomorrow, for now we are praying he gets to be home for the week and that he does not get sick! Thanks for the prayers, keep them coming!

PS: as for the motorcycle ride, it will be NEXT Saturday. Even if you can't ride, you can meet up along the way, make donations, or sponsor a rider! Let us know if you would like more details, this is turning out to be a major event and we are grateful for the help from so many wonderful people!

Friday, July 3, 2009

SethMan has left his room!!!!!

Today was a great day for Seth! He was unhooked from all the tubes and set free for a while to play in the ICS playroom. This all hinged on whether or not he would wear his mask and somehow he did and was seemingly happy to! His white count was up to 100 today. We are hoping for it to go up tomorrow and according to the attending Doc, if it trends up for a couple of days, he is free to go home for a few days.

Uncle David stayed the night with him last night and they had a great time. I was told that Seth likes to eat his toes....yummy. He also apparently does not like the news, when Uncle David turned to the news, Seth wanted to watch Barney and then realized there was no way that was going to happen, finally gave up and went to about 10:30. Uncle Andrew came early the next morning for a couple of hours and Darin actually got to stay home and sleep in his bed and sleep in! Yeah Darin, you deserve it!

Keep your thoughts and prayers with an increase in white blood cells tomorrow so all can leave the hospital for a few days before the next round of Chemo. Thanks everyone, we appreciate your support as always!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A good day....really good!

I was able to spend more time with SethMan today! We had fun! He looks really good and all the nurses have commented on what fun he is now. Apparently he was getting a rather negative reputation! :) They all love him, but he can be a stinker and they are all excited to see him happy and nice. Today we played and played and played. We had fun playing hospital bingo...something you should all try one day. Also we had marker fights and colored all over the "big" white board. We played cars, or rather Seth chucked them across the room and laughed at me getting them; over and over and over again! There was time spent at the window watching the tractor work again and getting some actual sun shining on us. Grandma Bollschweiler came to take the "afternoon" shift and reported lots and lots of play time too! She also said that there were gifts dropped off from Darin's work and they made Seth very very happy. It is always fun to have something new! Thanks whoever you were that brought those, they are priceless!

He had a very positive blood count today, up to 200, from yesterday's 0! That combined with his over-all look and strength have lead to talks of SethMan going home for a few days. This is exciting news for Mom and Dad....I don't think Seth can be told anything until he is actually out in the car! Also, Seth started eating a little tonight. I don't know the outcome of that, but he was eating a sucker and some shortbread cookies, yummy!

Thank you as always for the prayers, they are felt by all and we are SO grateful that our Heavenly Father is hearing them and answering them. We couldn't do this without Him and all the support around us!

PS: as for the question from yesterday's comment, yes, for the most part he is doing what they expect....however you can't anticipate infections and what type so the surprise is what type, not the actual infections! Thanks for your prayer SKW, we love you!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday June 30, 2009

What a day....It really was not a great start today. Shannon (mom) was not feeling so great through the night and woke up with a sore throat. That is not uncommon for any of us right now, but when you have a child with no white blood cells, its bad. She had to call in sick today and that left the door wide open for me (aunt Tammy) to go help! What a blessing for me to be able to spend some time with Seth today, here's how it went:

When I arrived Seth was asleep. About 45 minutes in he woke up - happy! We started coloring and playing with a couple of little toys Great Granny sent for him and then we really got crazy! The Child Life team specialist visited and asked if Seth would like a mat in his room. This is like a gym mat. They use them to encourage play time. WELL, in order for that to work, we had to give his room a makeover. This included moving his bed and opening up his room nice and big. When we did that, there was no turning back, Seth was off and running! We played on his mat for quite a long time and he actually was happy to get dressed, in clothes! Uncle Nick came for the next shift and they played and looked out the window and really moved around. The funnest part of the day was when we had Seth laughing! Oh that brought tears to my eyes, it was awesome!

Seth's white count in at 0 as I mentioned earlier. He cannot go home until that is up....and, something else I learned is he can't start the next round of Chemo until its up! So, please continue to pray his white count will start coming up! Also, don't forget to pray for mom and dad...they are tired and need the strength! Thanks for all the love and support! We love you all!

CT Scan results

The results are in....the head scan was clear, nothing showing any concern. The chest one did show an infection in the lungs. This they believe is a fungal infection which causes them concern because they are harder to treat. But they are treating it and believe they can get it under control.

This is good news, relatively speaking. Keep praying for Seth, lets get this infection cleared up, Seth eating and taking meds so they can all have a break from the hospital! Thanks everyone!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday June 28, 2009

Well, tomorrow is going to be a big day for little SethMan. He is scheduled for a CT scan of his head and chest (upper body) area. This is primarily to see why he was having inflammation of the stomach and what is causing a fever. Darin said last night he got a significant fever fast and it went away fast. My question was about the masses that they found originally; have they shrunk? Well, Darin said they have. The Doctors aren't to concerned about them at this point due to the fact that they aren't tumors, but masses. So, the Chemo should have shrunk them and it did.

Darin also commented on the fact that they are all getting a little tired. Seth hasn't really been out of his room for a month. Darin and Shannon are getting tired too. There are some long days in that room. If any of you can visit, or possibly help cover some time, let us know. Any time out of the room for Darin and Shannon is welcome and sometimes a way to keep sane for another day. Please remember, no sick visitor's!

Keep Seth in your prayers tonight and pray for positive result from the CT scan.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday June 26, 2009

FINALLY, after two long weeks I got to visit Seth. So, bear with me here, there may be lots of information due to the fact I spent some time with him.

Some of the pictures will help explain, but he was sleeping when I arrived. He has to have oxygen close and believe it or not, he senses its there and "bats" at it in his sleep. You can actually feel slight air movement, but I found it interesting he was feeling it enough to be bugged. Also, he has a new tube in his nose in addition to his pic-line. When he woke up, he wasn't really very happy. He did settle down when he was able to get down off the bed and pick a movie...interesting, he picked "CLICK"...he thinks its a video game :) He also really loves his water. He drank quite a bit of it tonight while I was there. I imagine it must feel good on the sores in is mouth and throat.

Tonight was note-worthy for two reasons. Reason number one....he pooped! Now people, this was no ordinary poop, just ask Darin. It was impressive, especially to the nurse! Needless to say, they are taking him off the Miralax for now! Way to go SethMan and boy was I glad Darin was there to change it!

Second cause for celebration tonight...Seth had a bath. A real live, sit in a tub full of water bath! He wasn't to thrilled with it at first, but he did settle in for a few minutes of fun with some water guns, which by the way, I think I was more wet than Seth! Grandpa helped though! I hope he sleeps well for Darin tonight, they both look like they could use some good rest.

Right now Seth is still fighting for his chance to go home for a few days. He has some requirements he has to meet first. Everyone seems to be working at getting him to that point. Also, focusing on getting him to wear a mask so he can leave his room for some time 'out' will be great for him and mom and dad. So PLEASE continue your prayers on his behalf, we appreciate all you are doing!

Oh yeah....there is more information coming about the motorcycle ride in July, look for it and let us know if you interested in riding, donating, or helping in any way! Thanks!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Update 6/25/2009

OK people....I have been out of town / out of computer range for a few days. However, really no updates until now.

Seth has been in a lot of pain...a lot. This is not unexpected, its leukemia, meaning its in his bone marrow, meaning his bones hurt. Also, he has sores in his mouth and throat; side effect of the Chemo, these causing lots of pain. Also, after a CT scan yesterday they found an infection where his small intestines meet the stomach. They can treat the infection with antibiotics, however he can't eat. Not that he wants to, but until the infection is cleared up no food.

Now, to today...because of the pain he has been on pain medication. He is alternating (from the last information I got) between morphine and Oxycontin. This morning Seth stopped breathing. It is believed right now that this is due to the amount of pain medication. Not on overdose, just a lot for his body to handle given the level of strength he has right now. They are currently flushing out his body which is making the pain high, but they believe they need to pursue a different course of pain maintenance. Right now, Darin says he's resting. I will update when we know more, but PLEASE say a prayer for him now, this is a scary day for Seth and his parent's.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


WOW. First of all Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there! Dad and Seth are hangin out today. Dad got training on how to change his bandage covering his pick line and then did it on Seth. SO MUCH EASIER ON THE DUMMY ARM!!!!!!!
Today Seth received both platlets and red blood cells he is not feeling great but the nurses and doctors are on top of it trying to keep him compfortable. The current focus is to try and bring his ANC (absolute nutrafill count) up over 500, him taking his oral medications on his own and eating and drinking enough to stay healthy. Once those 3 things happen he will be able to go home for a bit. We cannot thank everyone enough for everything!

a reminder for everyone that there are several events that friend and family are planning as fundraisers.
A motorcycle ride to bear lake in july.
An archery shoot in july.
At this point that is about as much as I know. If anyone is interested in knowing more post a comment with a way to send you information.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday June 20, 2009

Today Seth is doing of the last update, Darin has noticed that some of Seth's hair is starting to fall out. I think this was a hard reminder of what was really going to happen. However, he is still trying to eat and talks and plays and the goal is to get him strong before the next round of Chemo.

We want you to know how much we appreciate those of you who have donated to help this little guy. It is a strain on his family emotionally and physically and what a blessing to see the help they are receiving financially. What an answer to prayers you all are!

Happy Father's Day Darin, you are awesome!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Motorcycle Ride.....

Uncle Nick is planning a motorcycle ride to help raise money for Seth's medical bills. This is going to take place in July. If you want additional information, please leave a comment and we will get you more information. Thanks!

There was no new information today and that is good news. I just talked to Darin and he was ready to scream...he finally had SethMan asleep and they came in to do vitals and woke him up....meanies! Good luck Darin, hope you get some sleep!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday June 17, 2009

Seth is starting to realize the effects of the Chemo. He is feeling some pain, according to mom and dad and they are giving him some medication to help. His 'counts' are still really low...this is causing him to pass-out when he gets mad. He met with a speech therapist today to try and help him with some words...he hasn't been real interested in talking yet! This is something that was planned prior to his diagnosis so we are grateful they are willing to continue this course so he is able to communicate.....well, atleast more than "no"! Uncle Nick has been able to spend some quality time with him tonight and I am sure that is fun for all! Seth may have some challenging days ahead, please keep him in your prayers and know we are so grateful for your support.

You can leave a message for Darin and Shannon by signing it anonymous and leaving your name in the message if you don't have a google account to sign in with.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Officially in "count recovery"

He is officially on "count recovery". Which means they will be monitoring his blood counts for the next 18 days to see if they can get him well enough to go home for a few days before round 2 begins. He also had platlets today, which Cheri and Holli call "orange juice". Darin is going to attempt to give him a sponge bath......poor little guy hasn't had a real bath in almost 2 weeks. Let's all cheer for the SethMan........go blood!!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Last night of chemo "round 1"

Well tonight Seth received his final dose of the first round of his treatment. Tomorrow will start his 18 day "count recovery". Hopefully all will go well so the little guy will be able to spend a week home with brother and sister. We are making friends with most of the nurses up here and developing little games with each of them. Shannon (mom) and Darin (dad) could not be more grateful for the kindness of the entire staff up here. A great big hug to everyone in the ICS @ PMC!!!!!! Thank you everyone for your prayers, help and wishes!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday June 14, 2009

Well, at the end of the week, we can say it has been a good week for Seth. He is doing well and doing what they (the medical people) expect him to be doing. We are anticipating we will find out more information this week on how his body is responding to this round of Chemo. Today his red blood count is down a little. This is not great, but not unexpected. They will continue to watch this. He has lots of toys to play with and lots of movies...although I think he has only been watching Ice Age when I have been there :)!

We had a family reunion tonight for the Bollschweiler's and there were many concerned family members who were able to convey their love and support to us, to pass along to Darin, Shannon and Seth. It is wonderful to have such amazing support all around at this time and we appreciate it all!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday June 12, 2009

Aunt Tammy (me :) got to spend time with SethMan tonight! FINALLY! He was asleep when we arrived, but woke up when Mitch (the nurse) came in to bug him. After a short verbal tongue lashing, he was a happy clam! We colored and played and worked on some yogurt and pretzels. Seth's white count is at 0 and now the vigilance for no germs is even greater. However, his red count is still in normal range. Seth is settling in to hospital life rather well. When they come to get vitals, he sticks out his leg and toes and lets them. (it is really cute) He isn't so fond of the medication, and HATES the eye drops they have to give him every four hours.

Also, here's a little insight from the nurses.....Seth, GREAT sleeper, Darin, snores and Shannon never sleeps! Keep them in your prayers, they feel your support.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just some good 2 year old fun!

Seth loves animals really loves dogs and loves to pretend to act like one so grandma, uncle nick and dad decided to encourage him.  Hope this video works.

Charity account for Seth is available

There is an account available for donations to help cover the medical and living expenses. It is at:

America First Credit Union
Seth Charles Bollschweiler

You can write a check in Seth's name too and give it to any member of the family and it will be deposited in his account. Also, you will see a PayPal link where donations are being accepted. We are so appreciative of all you are doing for our family and feel many great blessings coming to our family from so many wonderful people. If you have any questions, please email Tammy at Thanks again.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 WEEK ONE DOWN!!!

So much has changed in the last week. I can't believe one week ago tonight, Seth was in the ER for swollen gums. Amazing how wonderful the hospital staff has been at getting things moving and getting Seth on the road to recovery as soon as possible. Having said that, Seth had a good day. He spent time with his Grandma Kathy and uncle Nick as well as Grandma Tessa and Mom and Dad. He got a much needed sponge bath tonight and hopefully can play with some water again tomorrow! He ate today and as you can see from the picture, he is enjoying his dessert.

I know I keep saying this, but we are ever grateful for your prayers on his behalf, and we KNOW they are being heard and answered.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday June 9, 2009

Another good day! As they expected, SethMan is feeling better every day. This is due to the Chemo killing the bad guys (of course it is killing the good guys too!) We have been told to expect him to start seeing more of the side effects from the Chemo as the 10 days of treatment continues. We are happy to take these good days and pass them along, and we are certain all the prayers are helping, so keep them coming!
PS: Can you find SethMan?

New update

Seth had a decent night according to Darin. That was exciting news and we hope they both got some sleep. This morning Darin called and said that further testing has shown that Seth has contracted the Swine Flu. He is on antiviral medication, but please be aware if you are planning a visit!

Keep the prayers coming, we are encouraged everyday by all the wonderful support.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday June 8, 2009.....a "good" day

Today the results for the spinal tap were cancer cells found there. The bone marrow biopsy may take up to 10 days...this is show at what level the cells have progressed. Basically, low, moderate, advanced. However, Seth is getting more more irritated by all the people bugging him. Believe it or not, that is good. He is eating a little today and he is sitting up on his bed. He was playing with toys and interacting some as well.

Darin went back to work today. He was able to get basically a full day in. Grandma Tessa is here still helping and Shannon was able to be at the hospital all day and then get home to get the other kids tucked in for bed. It is a routine that will have its challenges, but it has been amazing how well it is working for now.

BTW....some have said they can't leave comments. please try again and someone let me know if you still can't! Thanks

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday June 7,2009

Well, today was OK, according to Darin and a "good" day according to others. Seth is just plain mad and really wishes everyone would just leave him alone. Day two of a ten day Chemo treatment, then an 18 day "recovery" before another round of Chemo. Seth was still running a fever today and it reached close to 104....not good. It has come down to around the 101 range as of now. He also seems to have a faster than they would like heart respiration. So he is now sporting some lovely chest patches to monitor that more closely. The preliminary results from the spinal tap did bring some hope today as there were no cancer cells detected in the fluid. This is still preliminary, but good news.

This seems to be today's update and for all of those who where wondering, he did eat today...frozen yogurt, a couple chips, some peaches and he is still drinking! Good job SethMan, keep up the fight! We love you!

PS, is this not the cutest picture? A well deserved nap for both of them!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Recap of Saturday June 6, 2009

So you will notice that Seth is looking worn-out. What can I say, he is! Today he had a spinal tap and he has started Chemo. He is running a fever due to the fact he has a bacterial infection which is being treated with a ultra super mega dose of antibiotic. This is not uncommon with AML kiddos, but they are taking it seriously and treating it aggressively. He has officially started his chemo and it takes 6 hours to infuse. He also received a blood transfusion today. You may notice in the picture he looks a little red, this is a reaction to something he has been given.....honestly I can't remember what! They are treating that with good old benedryl and Tylenol.

He ate a banana and that was cause for celebration! He is a funny little boy and I think his favorite word might be 'no'! Even when he's asleep! Tonight when I was there he was playing with Grandma's phone...seriously it looked like he was texting! I think he may have been texting his friend to come bust him out, but she said no too! He is really into movies, so any great suggestions for movies are welcome. Darin also sends a plea for some good movies!

We are working to set up an account in SethMan's name for donations to help cover medical bills. This should be done first of the week. We have already had offers from a few organizations to hold benefit events for Seth and we appreciate it more than words can express.

We are fasting for Seth tomorrow and praying for him, Darin, Shannon, Corbin and Jenna! They are all doing great and feel so much love!

Update from Grandma Bennion

The lastest information as of Fri. 6-5-09.....The doctor said that it was a 97% diagnosis of AML ---Acute Myeloid Leukemia. There are still test results coming in for the next couple of days. There is now a treatment plan in place so now he begins that phase. Today, Sat. 6-6-09 he is having a spinal tap and then they will inject the beginning chemo meds. This is not the beginning of the actual treatment which if I understand correctly will begin tomorrow. The first phase will consist of 10 days of chemo, then recovery(total for phase I is 28 days). As a family we are so grateful for all of your prayers and help.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Just kidding....there is more information tonight!

The preliminary results are pointing to Leukemia. Now for all the technical mumbo jumbo I don't understand; please keep in mind this is just information but NOT the the final results, just what they are leaning toward and looking at closer. The type they suspect right now is AML. You can google it if you want to, but I won't try and explain it. They are right now taking him for an ECO Cardiogram, this is for a base-line before any type of treatment starts. They are also gathering all the blood/lab result to compile a complete history of baselines in order to start treatment. The Doctor said they can expect to spend quite a bit of time at PCH, and the treatments will begin immediately following the completion of all these tests.

Darin and Shannon are very grateful for all the support and love. You can leave comments for them here as they have access to this blog from the hospital. Thanks for all the prayers, and please don't stop!

Seth is out of's the scoop: Surgery went well, they did do the bone marrow biopsy and place a pic-line. Darin says as of right now they are not expecting anything else today! (we hope) He is resting, but having some "night-mares" according to Darin. Hopefully they can get him calmed down for some good rest right now so that Shannon and Darin can get some sleep! Thanks for the support and comments!


Seth is going to have surgery again today for a bone marrow aspiration and to place a pic-line. I will let you know when he is out and his, this morning he is running a fever, they aren't to concerned according to Darin and are going forward with surgery. Keep Seth in your prayers, this is a tough surgery.


This is a Blog for Seth! This is a place we can all keep updated on our little guy....Which means, your comments are welcomed and wanted! I will try and update this blog when there is new information as well us a daily status update on the happenings of the day! So, here we go....

Where it all began....Seth has some noticeable swelling of his gums on Friday, May 29, 2009. He's two, at it appeared he was cutting the dreaded two year molar! However, it continued to swell and get bigger to the point of concern and a trip to the Doctor. Dr. sent him to Primary Children's Hospital (PCH) for further testing. A CT scan showed a solid mass - tumor had grown in his upper jaw and worked upward toward his eye. He was admitted to PCH - oncology on Wednesday June 3, 2009. On Thursday, the 4th he was sent for an additional CT scan of his body to determine further whether there was any spreading. Unfortunately, additional masses were found on the kidney's, lowers spine and lung area. On the night of June 4th, he went to surgery for a biopsy of the mass in the mouth. He did awesome through the surgery and is awaiting results.

Again, there will be updates on this blog all day and WHENEVER there is new information. Please feel free to visit often and leave comments for Darin and Shannon. We are ever vigilant in prayer at this time and know Seth is loved!